Original Item: Only One Available. This is a type of German Dagger that we have never had before! Very similar in construction to the M33 SS dagger and SA Dagger, this is a very nice NPEA Student Dagger, made by Karl Burgsmüller of Berlin. It is contained in its original olive colored steel scabbard, in an original leather belt frog. The National Political Educational Institute (Nationalpolitische Erziehungsanstalt) was an SS-run organization established for the purpose of training future leaders for the Reich. A number of NPEA schools were set-up throughout Germany and many of its occupied countries, with most leaders and instructors coming from the SS.
There were three forms of Political daggers associated with the NPEA. The Student version, the Staff Leader and the Chained Leader. The Student version (produced by Karl Burgsmüller and WMW) had no insignia in the SA style wood grip. The cross guards were solid nickel on early versions and aluminum on later types. The scabbards were an all steel version painted olive drab. There were no mounts on the scabbard except for the scabbard button.
This mid to late war example has solid aluminum cross guards and tang nut, which have a "bright" polished finish. There is not any major chipping or dents in the fittings, just the light wear from use and age. The grip is a fine product having a nice red mahogany tone in the surfaces and having medium center ridge construction. This grip is in good condition with great grain, and fits the cross guards like a glove. It does however have some significant chipping at the top and bottom near the grips, which is common due to temperature and moisture changes.
The scabbard shell is straight throughout, and still has most of the original olive drab paint. There is the expected crazing and checking in the enamel, but it is sound with mo major rust. The black patent leather frog has shrunk and degraded a bit, so it can no longer be removed from the scabbard without risking damage.
The blade of this example is in excellent condition and has almost all of its factory crossgrain. There is a bit of oxidation in places, but no pitting, and just a few edge nicks. There are runner marks from the scabbard, but otherwise this is a really nice blade.
The acid-etched Mehr Sein als Scheinen ("Be More Than You Appear") NPEA motto is crisp, and still retains most of the factory darkening. The rear is marked with the manufacturer marking KARL BURGSMÜLLER in an arc over BERLIN. This was one of the few manufacturers of this dagger type, the others being Eickhorn and WMW. These daggers are extremely rare in any condition, and were not made in any type of large quantities.
A very nice example of a rare German WWII NPEA Dagger, Ready to display!
Blade Length: 8 3/4"
Overall length: 13 3/4”
Crossguard: 3”
Scabbard Length: 9 7/8”